The average house price on RIDEHALGH LANE is £533,613
The most expensive house in the street is THURSDEN COTTAGE RIDEHALGH LANE with an estimated value of £616,528
The cheapest house in the street is HIGHER RIDEHALGH FARM RIDEHALGH LANE with an estimated value of £338,520
The house which was most recently sold was HIGH RIDEHALGH FARM RIDEHALGH LANE, this sold on 30 Apr 2010 for £357,500
The postcode for RIDEHALGH LANE is BB10 3RA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BADGER BARN RIDEHALGH LANE Detached £568,094 £139,950 10 Dec 1999
HIGH RIDEHALGH FARM RIDEHALGH LANE Detached £611,311 £357,500 30 Apr 2010
HIGHER RIDEHALGH FARM RIDEHALGH LANE Detached £338,520 £216,500 20 Dec 2007
THURSDEN COTTAGE RIDEHALGH LANE Detached £616,528 £210,000 3 May 2002